Big brands, Bigger impact

Let’s cut to the chase... most of us loathe TV commercials (Unless you work in the ad industry and/or study branding). We become highly irritable when we realize we forgot to record the latest episode of the Black List and are faced with the alert that “Fast Forward Functionality is not available.” BUM-MER.

Yet over the last few months, sprinkled in with the overly aired pharmaceutical commercials have been a wide variety of socially aware advertisements that weigh in with a big message. You might have even found yourself looking to press that fast forward button a little less! Crazy, we know.

Here's the deal...

Ok ok….That even felt strange to type. But take our word for it and press play. They’ll make you think, smile, laugh, and maybe even spark a desire to reach out and share the message with a friend.

Nature Valley:

"Never underestimate the power of letting someone know you're with them."

Take a selfie video and text it to someone who might need a boost!


"She knows that we are always there supporting her; and we are always there to support her no matter what – whether its a good day or a bad day."

Write a letter and send it to a long distance friend who is chasing their dreams.

Minute Maid:

"It’s just a little piece of paper and a pencil, but you can make the world out of it"

Its never too late take a minute to write your parents a note to let them know they're doing better than they think.


"All dreams are within reach. All you have to do is keep moving towards them.

Do something today to take one step closer to your dream.

American Family Insurance:

"Always believe that anything is possible."

Text your mom to tell her that she's the real MVP.

In most instances, commercials and advertisements don’t set the trends; they follow them. They aim to attach their brand to certain feelings and qualities that are top of mind for consumers. As social tensions in our country the world are on the rise, it’s fascinating to see how big brands are responding. Kudos to the above companies for giving us a little taste of what this world needs – support, motivation, accountability, persistence, teamwork, strength, kindness….the list goes on. We encourage you to stop fast forwarding so much, and take a minute to see what important sentiments today's brands are echoing.

Which was your favorite?
Send to a loved one and keep the conversation going.